Intellectual Property Claim

Copyright law protects original works of authorship, including visual art (such as photographs, paintings, or graphics) and literary works (such as poems, stories, or articles).

Trademark law safeguards distinctive words, logos, designs, or symbols that identify the source of goods or services.

Publicity rights protect an individual’s name, likeness, and image, ensuring that no one can use another person’s identity for commercial purposes without their permission.

If you believe your intellectual property rights have been violated, please send a Notice and Takedown Report to with the following details:

  1. A direct link to the content that infringes your rights.
  2. Proof of your original work (such as a webpage or documentation).
  3. Your full name and contact phone number.

Please title your email: “TAKEDOWN REPORT.”

We will promptly review and address your claim as per applicable copyright and trademark laws.